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Emily's Story

My name is Emily and I chose to do my work experience at Carmarthenshire Museum because I thought it would be a good opportunity to learn new, interesting things about history and a chance to gain and improve skills for the future.

During the few weeks that I've been at Carmarthenshire Museum, I've had the chance to do a variety of different things to help out around the museum, including behind the scene jobs. A few things that I've done so far include:


- Seeing how the till works in the shop;


- Helping to find different things in storage;


- Cleaning up, and researching items from different decades.


I've met new people and learnt about the many different jobs they do around the museum, and the activities that go on in the background to help make the museum even better! I've experienced how much work and effort goes in to making the museum a safe, clean and calm environment for people to come in, take their time and learn about the many, many different exhibits in their local museum.

One of the main things I've been working on behind the scenes is the memory boxes. The memory boxes are boxes full of items from different decades to show to people with dementia or Alzheimer's, to help them talk about their past. Working behind the scenes at Carmarthenshire Museum has really helped me to see how much everyone at the museum cares about the community, with all the events and activities they plan for all ages to join in with.

I would definitely recommend doing work experience at Carmarthenshire Museum for anyone who would like the chance to work in a calm, relaxed environment to improve their skills, see the different jobs available in a museum and learn new things about history from different decades and the history of Carmarthen.