'Stitch in Time' Summer Activities
Join the friendly and informative ‘Stitch in Time’ group every Wednesday at Carmarthenshire Museum, 1-3pm, during the summer holidays for some fascinating demonstrations.
These activities are inspired by the final painting of our National Gallery Masterpiece Tour – on show from 8 September 2023. ‘Tobias and the Angel’, from the workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio, explores themes of care, health and protection that you’ll find in the creations the Stitch in Time group will be demonstrating.
No need to book and no need to bring materials. Just bring yourself on the day!
26 July 2023
Medieval herbal sachets
Demonstration on creating your own medieval herbal sachets
2 August 2023
Dorset buttons
The origins and role of the ‘Dorset button’ and demonstration of how to create them
9 August 2023
Slow stitch
'Slow stitch’ is a new art form built on old traditions and explores the journey of creating beauty with thread rather than working towards an end product
16 August 2023
Kumihimo Braid
Kumihimo is an ancient Japanese form of braiding using multiple strands of cord and/or ribbon
23 August 2023
My year as a member of the ‘Stitch in Time’ group
An overview of the year as supporting the museum through a variety of stitch and craft-based projects
30 August 2023
Darning, Mending and Sashiko
Thrifty and eco-friendly ways of being sustainably fashion